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Six months ago, I started asking myself and everyone I met: “what do you see when you imagine a society based in love?” to develop our personal visions as well as to find out if we had a common dream.

I started to ask this after I realized that no matter how much individual healing we do, our hearts, minds, and bodies are connected. We all rely on and support each other. 

I can distract myself, but I can't be happy if children are dying in wars. I can't act with full integrity if I lack trust in other humans. I can’t live optimistically if the planet is straining. I can’t live guilt-free if I’m mindlessly overconsuming and not contributing my fullest in ways that feel meaningful.

I worried that we don’t quite live in a society rooted in love for the planet and its inhabitants. Then I started to ask myself what a loving society looks like to me. As soon as I asked myself the question, I realized it had POWER. My priorities shifted so fast it made my head spin. 

Suddenly I was acting in unfamiliar ways, making bold choices, aligning myself with the vision. People and organisations who are realizing my dreams surrounded me. It became easier to say no to what didn’t feel aligned. There is also grief, anxiety, and anger - I see them as important messengers on the journey. They were already there. I’m no longer pushing them aside and they have become my allies.

I want to share this question with every person in the world and I want us to ask it in every domain: in relationships, at work, in leisure. What do you see when you imagine a society based in love? And then watch it manifest through and around us.

With every person who asks themselves this question, the universe changes. In every moment that we act with kindness, the world is kinder. In every moment that we choose love over aggression, love wins. Evert time we choose love over greed, generosity is freed into existence.

No one of us, no matter how wealthy or powerful, can or should control everything. We are affected by each other, by the systems we come together to enact, by nature. And yet, every one of us has power. To live in that power, to dedicate our lives to learning to express and receive love, is a personal revolution. To do it collectively provides fertile soil for the earth’s full potential to bloom.

I can share my vision but I don’t want to convince you to build my dream. I want the joy and wonder of seeing you uncover and build yours. After thousands of conversations with people all over the world, I know that our visions of a society based in love have lots in common. By unleashing our own dreams of a loving society we create each other’s and also discover the many different forms love can take.

I’m a flawed person living imperfectly and I have much to improve on. I’m not currently able to fully express the boundless love that lives inside me. I make mistakes. I fall. And then I get up. And I try again. Because, well, how else will I ever learn how to walk?

As I create my blueprint of a life and society deeper in love, I realize reality is brimming with opportunities. Every person is needed. No detail is too small for the care of loving attention. Our diverse interests and perspectives make our 8 billion person team capable of caring for ourselves and the earth in an infinite number of love languages. How do you want to express your heart today? The world wants to hear your song.


If you would like to share your vision of a society based in love with me at any time, please feel free to send it in written, visual, video, audio or another format.

For help with discovering your personal and/or professional vision and finding the courage to live it, feel free to reach out and book a working session.

No matter what I do

I hear the silent screams of dying trees

They speak in piercing migraines

Aching shoulders and arms

A rage that takes over

Unexpected angry words spilling out my mouth

Endless thoughts

I see weapons when I look at cars

Dead dolphins when they hand me plastic forks and bags

We used to call these silent screams a conscience

We call them mental illness now

Did we forget that all hearts are connected?

Do you feel the pain

When we chop up the earth

Re-process and package her

To earn fictional points from each other

And live fenced in fear on a hill

Separate, but feeling important

Longingly overlooking the people we’ve exploited

Is this really the dream

We’ve sold the whole world?

Joke’s on me

Cause I bought it

And yet I can’t stop looking at the vision

Of a world based in love

That’s sleeping on our collective hearts

And am seduced by the trees’

Whispering suggestions

Of what a team of 8 billion people

Can do

Working together with nature.

Video from a reading at a PoetikLA event (@PoetikLA on Instagram).


If you would like help unearthing your vision of a society more deeply rooted in love, a safe space to explore your role in building a more loving world, and support with the emotions that come up in the process, feel free to reach out and book a 1:1 session.

Love is always where you are

One of my favorite practices to remind us that we are always cared for is to notice love here right now.

Like many of my inner games, it is simple and can be done anywhere and anytime. I hope you enjoy it!


Bring your awareness into the space where you are and notice the love right here. You can use a broad definition of the word love. Anything that makes you feel supported qualifies! I like to look at love with the world, love with yourself, and love with others.

  • Where do you notice the love right now from the world, you, and others?

  • How do you feel after doing the exercise?


An example:

The world:

  • I feel the love of gravity gently supporting me at all times while allowing me the freedom to move around

  • I feel held by the chair I'm sitting on

  • I feel nourished by the energy of the sun warming my skin, I feel sustained and comforted by the air I breathe


  • I feel loved when I notice a water glass next to me for whenever I need it

  • I feel loved by me dressing myself in a cozy outfit

  • I'm in love when I allow myself to express myself and gift the world a contribution that feels meaningful to me


  • I feel loved by nature and the network of people who brought me this water to drink

  • I feel loved by people creating platforms for us to share ideas globally

  • I feel connected imagining you receiving the gift I'm trying to share through these words

When I do this practice I feel warmer inside, I notice myself smiling, the energy inside and around me feels thick, my mood lifts. I feel more giddy, connected and optimistic. What comes up for you?


I'd love if you left a comment sharing where you noticed love in your moment so we can share in the love that you see in the world.


This post is not a replacement for therapy. If this tool doesn't resonate with you or if it brings up overwhelming emotions, set it aside or get support from a therapist or coach.

If you would like to work with me 1:1, you can book a session by filling out the contact form with any questions you may have.

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